Sunday 11 February 2024

Project Quilting 15 - 3

 Inside out, that's the challenge from Persimon Dreams this week. Just now I'm concerned about hexagons to finish my last La Passion. So the first thing I thought about was...... hexagons. And I try to keep these challenges scrappy. After digging in my black and white scrap bin, I found some fabric pieces to use for this project.

Turning the fabrics inside out, making hexagons and sew them to a piece of denim, also inside out, gave me this fun pincushion. And as I also love pincushions, this was perfect for me.

Linked up to:

Persimon Dreams link-up


Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. Great interpretation of the theme and good use of denim fabric!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  2. Inside Out makes the fabrics so soft looking! Beautiful pin cushion. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. beautiful! this turned out amazing!


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