Sunday, 10 June 2018

Mini La Passion

Har sydd noen sekskanter på denne minien siste uka. Har foreløpig ingen planer om å ende opp med
17 000 sekskanter her, men man kan jo aldri vite.

I've made some new hexies for this mini the last week. Just now I'm not thinking of ending up with 17 000 hexagons on this one, but you never know.

Linked up to
Slow Sunday Stitching


  1. You do the most beautiful hand work!

  2. Så flott og jeg er imponert over alle de store prosjektene dine. Spennende å se hvor mange hexagoner det blir her. :-)

  3. That's so pretty. And so tiny. And slightly mad!

  4. You are making good progress and it is stunning. xx

  5. Oh, my goodness! This is beautiful and very tiny!!


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