Saturday, 15 March 2025

Book cover and a snowman

 A while ago I made this book cover inspired by Vincent van Gogh. It has been a secret project, but now I can show you. On the front side I have put "'Starry night" and on the back side it's "Sunflowers". I used old denim scraps and other small pieced from my scrap bag. The inside is also hand quilted, as you can see.

I made a little snowman yesterday. He's struggling with the higher temperatures today. Hopefully he will be the last snowman here this winter.

Linked up to:

Off the Wall Friday 

Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. I love your book covers and the sunflower on blue is terrific - for Ukraine I imagine - I have a nice sunflower with blue background on my family facebook page

  2. I love it, wonderful rendition of the originals and such a great idea for inspiration. Great little snowman, hope spring is on the way.


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