Friday, 8 March 2013

Blog hop party with a give-away

Har meldt meg på en give-away hos Quilting Bloggers. Her kan du hoppe fra blogg til blogg og finne nye quilteblogger, og i tillegg vinne premier av forskjellig art. Klikk på bildet, så kommer du til en liste med bloggere som har meldt på fra over hele verden.  

This is Beat the winter blues, a blog hop from Quilting Bloggers. You can find interesting blogs from all over the world, and even win fabrics, buttons, homemade products, anything. Just click the picture and start hopping.

Som noen vet, er jeg med på en blokk-utfordring fra Aurifil dette året. Vi får mønsteret til en blokk hver måned, og skal sy den i egne farger. Jeg syr mine i blå og grønne farger, med hvitt som bakgrunn. De to første blokken gikk fint, og ser slik ut.

Some of you know that I'm part of a BOM from Aurifil. Every month we do a new block. These are my two first blocks.

Marsblokken var litt vanskeligere i forhold til å fordele fargene. Jeg har nå sydd den i to versjoner.

The March block was a challenge as for the colours. I've made two different blocks with the same pattern.

Number 1.

Number 2.

You can see all the four blocks here.

Her er hva jeg gir vekk i denne give-away'en som vare fra 8. - 17. mars.

This is what you can win.The give-away runs from 8th to 17th March.

 A little pouch filled with scraps to the first, two 30 cm fabrics to a second, and of course as usual in my give-aways a selvage pincushion as an extra to a third winner.


For å ha en sjanse til å vinne:
Fortell meg hvilken blokk, nummer 1 eller nummer 2, du synes går best sammen med de to første.
Det var alt. Og så kan du gjerne bli en følger om du har lyst. Husk å legge igjen en måte for meg å komme i kontakt med deg om du vinner.
Ikke glem å trykke på bildet øverst for å finne alle de andre deltakerne.

To enter this give-away:
Which block, number 1 or number 2, is the best to go with the two first BOM blocks?
That's it. And of course I'm happy if you will be my follower too. And remember to give me a way to contact you if you win. This give-away is open internationally.
And don't forget til click the snowman picture to find the list of participating bloggers.

A big THANK YOU for stopping by!


  1. Jeg syns blokk #1 er den som passer best sammen med de andre. Flott med blå-grønne farger!

  2. Så produktiv du er! Liker veldig godt fargene dine, tror jeg går for blokk nr.2. Ha en flott vårlig helg:)

  3. Hi Turid, I think I prefer block no2 with the first two blocks. Love you blue and green combo. Thank you so much for the chance of winning!

  4. Åh,gillar din nessecär fantastiskt mycket..som himmel och hav...Bmambikramar!!!

  5. Glömde ju skriva ..block nr ett!!Fortsatta bambikramar

  6. Åleine tykte eg blokk 1 var den "friskaste", men saman med dei to andre hadde eg nok valt nr. 2.

  7. I prefer block 1. If you want to showcase the center though, the lighter area of 2 would do that.

  8. I think block # 2 would be fabulous!

  9. I think I like Block #2 better with your first two. Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway chance!

  10. I like block 2 better to go with the first two. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  11. They are both great blocks. I think I like the second one better with the others, though.

  12. I like block #2 better...but, they are all gorgeous...

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  13. Number two as there's a more even distribution of colours. I love other people's scraps.

  14. Du er så flink! Fine blokker. Eg synest at blokk nr. 2 passer best i lag med dei to andre. Trur det har noke med at den lyse/kvite fargen her ligg lenger ute i blokka slik som på dei andre to. :)

  15. Love all your blocks, but I like block #2 better!
    Thanks for the chance to win!


  16. Lovely blog, thanks for the chance,

  17. I think I would like block number 2 better to go with the other ones as well, due to more white in it.
    They both look very pretty, though!

    Thanks for the chance to be one of your 3 winners! :)

  18. I think block 2 would look really great. Thanks for the chance!

  19. I love block #1, but I think that #2 complements the other two blocks a bit better.

  20. They are both lovely but I prefer block 2. Thanks for a great gievaway too.

  21. I prefer block #2
    Thank you for a great giveaway!

  22. Block two maintains the white in the background, but if you wanted to start changing it up a bit, block one would make it look a little different. I kind of lean toward two myself.

  23. Block #1. Thanks for the great give away and a chance to win.

  24. I love #s 1 and 3...3 the most; I

  25. I like Block #2 - the white makes the other colours pop!! Sweet giveaway prizes to Beat the Winter Blues - thanks for the chance!!

  26. Number 2 definitely works better as its a lighter background.

  27. I prefer #2 because it makes the stars on the BOM blocks shine. Thanks for the chance!

  28. I would use #2 in your BOM. The colors are fantastic! Thanks!

  29. I think #2 works better. I love the colors!

  30. Beautiful colors in your blocks!

  31. I love the colors of your blocks esp block 2

  32. I think number two works better---the white seems to balance out with the other two blocks.

  33. Number 2 I think because of the white which compliments the other blocks with their white. GREAT giveaway and I love your fabric colour combination - yum!!!!

  34. I like block number 2. Great giveaway, I love scraps!

  35. I choose number 1- the frame is darker and combines better with the blocks. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  36. Hi! Thank you for a lovely give away! I would choose n:o 2 - it has more light colour. Sunny wishes from Greece!

  37. I vote for block number 2- it really made a difference to have the picture showing the blocks next to each other!

  38. I like block #2. I think it looks very good with the others. Thank you so much for a great giveaway.

  39. I like Block# 2. Lovely giveaway. Thanks.

  40. I like block number 2 to go with the others. Thanks for the chance!

  41. Block 2! Both are lovely of course!

  42. I prefer block 2, but they are really lovely. thank you for this chance. hugs Alessandra

  43. Mmmmm I think Number 2. I love other people's scraps, so have my fingers crossed to win xxx

  44. I like both blocks but number 2 goes better with the other ones. Thanks for the giveaway!

  45. I think Block 2 is the best choice.

  46. I like #1 best, BUT I think #2 goes with the others better

  47. I think number 2 works best , I am enjoying the Aurifil BOm . thanks for the giveaway

  48. I like block 1. Thank you for the giveaway! Mange takk!

  49. They are both beautiful. Hard to pick. Nice give away and thanks for the chance to win.

  50. Number 2 for sure... the white really brings them all together

  51. I love block #1 but because it has more green in the background, I think block #2 would be a better fit with the other two blocks. Your giveaway prizes are lovely. I especially love the selvage pincushion.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  52. I have to say number 2 is the block to use. Thanks for a chance to win and I am a follower.

  53. I like block #1 best, but block #2 looks better with the other blocks. So make a pillow out of block #1 to go with the quilt you make from the others!! Whoop whoop!!

  54. I am partial to block #1. I love your color combo for your blocks!

  55. #1. I am a new follower. Thank you for the chance.

  56. I would go with block #2 keeping it all light and bright.

  57. I like block #1 the best with the other blocks! Love the colors you are using! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  58. I'ma new follower. Block 2 . Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.

  59. I like # 1 the best. Beautiful colours! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  60. I like block number one the best. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  61. I think block number 2 fits better, it shares the white with the other two. thanks for the chance!

  62. Block #2 goes with the other two blocks the best but I am in love with block #1, but then I am a blue and green lover!!!

  63. Gosh, they are both lovely, but block #2 may work better with the others because it has more white in it.

  64. I like block #1. Thanks so much.

  65. what wonderful gifts. would love anyone. love your blue and green blocks.

  66. Block #1 is my preference, although either will make a lovely quilt!

  67. #2 is my favourite block! Love it. Thanks

  68. Those blocks are lovely! And I'd prefer block #1 to go with the others if I had to choose.
    Thanks for the chance to win :-)

    Dagmar from Germany

  69. Number 2 looks the best! Thanks for the chance to win!

  70. I agree with #2. Beautiful color combinations! Thanks sew much for this chance to win your generous giveaway! :-D
    back2loghome (at) yahoo (dot) com

  71. I prefer Block #1. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  72. I like Block 1 because I think you need more green and not more white. Thank you for taking part in the Beat the Winter Blues Blog Hop and giving all of a chance to win 3 separate giveaways. I am also following the Aurifil BOM and have been enjoying the blocks. Good job by everyone.

    Sandi Timmons
    Sonora, CA

  73. I think block #1 goes best, tho they are both great blocks. Thanks for the chance to win any of your giveaways.

  74. I like block number one. Both are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  75. Block 1 would be great BETWEEN your first two, to balance out the overall lighter designs. But I would probably pick block 2 unless you are going to make more that have very little white in them.

  76. I like Block number 1. I am one of those crazy ladies that likes white as a background color! who would not love a pouch full of fabric. What a great giveaway. I am a new follower... I am also involved in a BOM too! We are doing browns.

    Can't wait to see more of your blocks!

  77. I think block number works best with the first 2 blocks. There is more white in these 3 blocks.

  78. i love block number 2 and the colours are great greens and blues yum

  79. Block #2 is my choice as well. These are marvelous blocks.
    Thank you for the chance :)

  80. I choose #2
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  81. Block #2 is my pick. Great colours!

  82. I think they are both great. #2 has more contrast though. Thanks for the great giveaway! I love the pouch and the selvage pincushion. You have a lovely blog.

  83. Nummer 2 tycker jag är det blocket som passar bäst mot de två andra. Jag är gärna med på Din Give away och hoppas nu på turen att vinna!


  84. I love number two with the other blocks but I love block one on its own.

  85. It all depends how you balance the colours going forward. Alternating light and dark blocks or keeping the whole light feel. I like the light feel moving into spring.
    I've just started blogging at The Nocturnal Stitcher and your blog caught my eye as I'm married to a Norwegian and we used to live in Oslo - I can read about a topic I love whilst practising my Norwegian - Win-Win!

  86. I think block number 2 compliments your first two blocks better, I think its the white that balances it. Pretty blocks and lovely Spring/Summer colours.

  87. I would say number 2. Thanks for the giveaway.

  88. I like #1, thank you for the giveaway, cheers!

  89. what fun!
    Block 2, though I prefer the layout of block 1!
    The colours are so bright and cheerful.

  90. I think block 2 looks better - the proportion of white to color seems closer to the other blocks. It's amazing how different the two blocks look! Many thanks for your giveaways!

  91. I prefer number 2.

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter the draw

  92. Wow, Great giveaway. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on the draw.

  93. block #1

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  94. All by themselves, i like no. 2 best, BUT in combination with the other BOMs, I think no. 1 works better.

  95. I quite like block #1. But both are good.

  96. I like #2. I'm a new follower. Thanks for a great giveaway! Have a Happy Day! :)

  97. #1 I think. I didn't eeeven realize at first the were the same! he color makes such a difference.

    I am doing a block a month myself.

  98. I like block no2 with the first two blocks, thanks for the giveaway!

  99. I think block @ works best with the other 2 blocks! I was really surprised; when I saw the 2 blocks (1 and 2) that are made from the same pattern, I liked 1 ore than 2...but to go with, it is definitely 2, I think because it has a similar amount of white in it.

  100. Ich bin neue Leserin deines schönen Blogs und würde mich über einen Gewinn sehr freuen.

    Grüße von Deutschland nach Norwegen

  101. ik ga voor blok 2, dank voor het meedoen

  102. I think Block # 2 would go better, I like a bit more white. Thanks for the give away!

  103. I love your blocks. Block 2 seems to fit in better, but I love block 1 and think it would work, also. Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. Block # 1. But don't decide until the resto fo the blocks are done. # 2 may go better with the rest.

  105. I think block #2 goes best with other ones. Thank you for the nice giveaway!

  106. I like block 1 but when I saw them together I would pick block 2. Both are so pretty.

  107. #2 goes better with the first 2. thanks for the giveaway, I am a new follower.

  108. I think 2 goes better with the first two blocks. I am a new follower via RSS Feeds.

  109. I like block 2 better with them - I think it is the fact that the white is the dominant outer colour with the first 2 blocks and with Number 2.

  110. I like #2 the best.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    pipppirose59 at gmail dot com

  111. I vote for number 2. I love the colors!!!

  112. I think that block #2 fits in best with the other blocks, but both blocks are so pretty. The blues and greens are beautiful. :)

  113. I think I like block number 2 the best. Wonderful giveaway.

  114. Block #2 goes better with the first two you've made but I like block #1 the best, Thank You!

  115. I like them both, but #2 has more white in it so that one maybe goes a little better with the first two. Thanks for your giveaway.

  116. I think Block #2 matches the first two blocks best....has more white like the first two. Looove the colors your using!!

  117. I am a new follower...thanks for the gorgeous giveaway. Wishing you a great day of stitching up more beauties...

    Usha from warm Malaysia

  118. I vote for block number 2! I´m not a follower, since I have wordpress, but I do visit your blog almost every day!
    Gun, Sweden

  119. Number two I think... although it is difficult to choose as they are both lovely! Thanks for the chance to win.

  120. love the little pouch and the pincushion is too cute:-)

  121. Block #2. I love those colours!!

  122. I think both, but if you're twisting my arm I'll shout block #2 :)

  123. block 1 i think great giveaway :))

  124. Both blocks are beautiful, but i like 2 just a tiny bit more than 1

  125. Your color combination is so yummy for this project! I like block #2 best!

  126. I think block #2 looks best with your BOM blocks. All of them are very nicely made, it will be a beautiful quilt.

  127. I have to say my eye sees that block #1 is the best block to go with the 1st 2. I'd be happy with any of the 3 prizes you are offering

  128. I think block # 1 works best because the whites are dispersed throughout the block similar to your first two blocks.
    Great giveaway! I love the little bag and the selvage pincushion is a great idea.

    Be sure to check out my blog hop giveaway too at and enter the draw.


  129. I think Block 2 would be the best! love the colors! thank you!

  130. I love your blocks and like both 1 and 2 but I think number 2 goes better with the other blocks. Love the colours you are using.

  131. I like block 1 the best. Even though the other blocks use the white, block 1's white isn't as concentrated as block 2's. They are both pretty, though! Thank you for the chance to win!

    kmen3035 @ hotmail . com

  132. I think block # 1 goes better with the others. both are beautiful and you can't go wrong if you pick # 2.

  133. I like block #2. Great giveaway!

  134. I think I like block #2 better. It has more white which seems to tie it into the other two better

  135. Block 2, it has a better fit due to the percentage of white fabric. More proportional. better visual appeal

  136. I prefer block 2 too. Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  137. Block 1 passar bäst tycker jag. Härliga färger!

  138. I like both blocks!! Can't choose!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!


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