Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Sirkler i februar

Hadde nesten glemt sirklene fra februar, men her er de. Jeg hadde ikke flere røde stoffer, og måtte foreløpig stoppe inntil jeg finner flere. Gikk over til blå og litt mindre sirkler for februar. Prosjektet er Quilty365, der vi skal sy en sirkel hver dag i et helt år. Dette er sirkel 32 til 60.

I nearly forgot my February circles, but here they are. I didn't have more red, so I had to start on my blue fabrics. I also made them a bit smaller. The project is Quilty365, where we sew one circle a day for a year. This is circle number 32 to 60.

Linked up to March Quilty365 Linkup, Show and Tell Monday with Bambi , Fabric Tuesday and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Flotte blokker du har sydd! :-)

  2. all these circles you will be able to do them with your eyes closed they are a great collection, I find circles difficult to get the round shape

  3. I love the red ones - the blue/grey ones remind me of stars on a dark night and the red ones are shining brightly!

  4. These circles are lovely - love the blue on grey.

  5. Tack Turid fördin mnedverkan denna veckan på Visa och Berätta måndasg!! Bambikram♥♥

  6. Such a good mix of prints!

  7. The circles look great! It's going to make a beautiful quilt.

  8. These look great. Good color for the background fabric. I have that same red and pink roses fabric ~ I love it:)

  9. Så fint med blå cirklar! Tänker du byta färg varje månad? Hur stora är dina block? Mina är 4"x4".


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