Sunday, 6 March 2016

La Passion - 7300 hexagons

Denne quilten er blitt så stor at jeg ikke har golv som er stort nok til å legge den utover. Heldigvis nådde jeg neste hundre før det ble så mørkt at jeg ikke kunne ta bilde ute. Som dere ser, har vi enda vinter og mye snø.

This quilt has now grown to a size bigger than my floor. So luckily I passed a new hundred today before it got too dark, and took the quilt out for a photo shoot. As you can see, we've still got winter and lots of snow.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching, Modern Patch Monday and Podunk Pickin's.


  1. Wonderful progress on your La Passion.
    You have a lot of snow.
    Greetings, Manuela

  2. Your La Passion is gorgeous and love seeing it on the snow.

  3. Må bare ta av meg hatten enda en gang! Fantastisk. Husker ikke om jeg har spurt før, eller bare lurt på hvor du skal ha det når det blir ferdig? Det blir jo så stort, men herlighet for et praktverk.

  4. Your growing quilt is keeping the ground warm... maybe the snow will melt soon!

  5. it is getting big now any ides when it might be complete? The snow looks lovely when fresh but would rather it says with you than comes here we are forecast for snow at Easter though

  6. Wow, this is huge. I admire the work you made. Absolutely gorgeous. How big will it be when its ready? Keep on going. 👍🏻😄, Love, Alex.

  7. Såå stort och såå vackert! Själv fortsätter jag sakta men säkert med mina diamanter :)

  8. looking great! how many more before you start the diamonds????

  9. It's beautiful! And I'm impressed you got it all laid out without tracking up the snow... 8)

  10. What a gorgeous picture out there in the snow!

  11. Stunning even when it's not finished. Looking forward to watching your progress. Thanks for sharing on Podunk Pickin's.

  12. Wow, der wird auch sehr schön, eine tolle Farbwahl und große Fortschritte.

    Liebe Grüße


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