Friday, 18 December 2015


Denne fikk jeg hos en venninne, sydd av en annen venninne. Tennbriketter har vi alltid bruk for om vinteren når vi skal ha fyr i ovnen. Nå kan vi ha brikettene lett tilgjengelig rett ved siden av ovnen. Se på denne flotte ugla som pryder boksen.

I got this box from a friend, made by another friend. It's for briquettes used for lighting a fire in my fireplace. Now I can have the briquettes right beside to use whenever it's it's too cold in my house. Look at this beautiful owl on the box.

Linked up to Crazy mom quilts and Fabric Frenzy Friday.


  1. Hello from the UK. I love your owl box, we have owls in our garden all year and they make a lot of noise too. My daughter is about to come to Tromso for Christmas so it's nice to find a quilter from Norway too.
    Happy Christmas,

  2. Vilken jättebra idé! Vi eldar varje dag och har också en sådan där ful burk bredvid kaminen. En sådan måste jag göra.

  3. Så fint etui til tennbrikkettene. Flotte ugleapplikasjoner! :-)

  4. what a wonderful expression on the owl`s face. Practical and pleasing to look at too a winner

  5. Oh I thought it was a cup cozy and was about to stay I wanted to steal it, still do, but we have a gas fireplace, so won't work :)


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