Thursday, 17 December 2015

We Wish You A Mini Christmas

Alle blokkene sammensydd, og nå gjenstår bare quilting og kanting. Denne lille brikken var årets  julekalender hos Temecula Quilt Company, og denne uka fikk vi tre alternativer til sammensying. Trykk på linken for å se hvordan de har gjort det.

Flere av de jeg følger på blogg har også sydd denne. Her ser du to av dem:

Quilt in a not-Shell og Vroomans Quilts.

All blocks together, and now on to quilting and binding. This cute project was the advent calendar from Temecula Quilt Company, and this week they showed three different ways of joining the blocks. Click the link to see all of them.

Some of my fellow bloggers also made these blocks. Here you may see two of them:

Quilt in a not-Shell and Vroomans Quilts.

Linked up to Needle and Thread Thursday and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Veldig stilig blei brikka di!

  2. Love those blocks and the sashing fabric was a perfect choice. This will be a wonderful addition to your Christmas decor!

  3. this has worked beautifully and loving the splases of red scattered in the sashingh

  4. Lovely little quilt.
    Greetings, Manuela

  5. Flott duk. Takk for tips. Skal nok sy denne på nyåret.

  6. What a lovely little Christmas quilt.


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