Monday, 3 March 2014


Det er vår her hos oss, og ikke lenge til sesongen for sommerfuglfangst starter. Ble inspirert til å sy noen nye sommerfugler idag. Så får jeg se etterhvert hva de kan brukes til. Og så har jeg gjort klar noen nye sekskanter for et spesielt prosjekt.

Spring is in the air, and soon is the season for catching butterflies. Today I was inspired to sew some butterflies. I don't know yet what to do with them, but I'll find out soon. And I have basted some new hexies for a special project.

It is Monday, and time to link up with Bambisyr and Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story.


  1. fun butterflies, how big are the blocks?

  2. the half hexies worked brilliantly as butterflies. Wonder what you new project is, hope you share it with us soon

  3. Skjønne sommerfugler og søte små hexagoner!

  4. Härliga fjärilar du sytt, synd att dom är så sällsynta numera, åtminstone där jag bor


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