Sunday, 2 March 2014


Hver helg i måneden fokuserer jeg på ett av mine håndsømprosjekter. På den måten vokser hvert av dem litt hver måned. Denne helgen har jeg sydd fem nye blokker på min blå og grønne sikksakkquilt. Nå dekker den sånn omtrent en halv seng. Har som mål å få den dobbelt så stor. Har også fått klargjort flere halve sekskanter for de neste blokkene.

Every weekend I focus on one of my hexagon projects. This way each of them grows a little bit every month. This weekend I joined five new blocks to this half hexie quilt. Now it's covering half of the bed, and I think I'm going to make it the double of this. I also managed to baste a pile of half hexies for the next blocks.

Linked up to Sew Many Ways, Slow Sunday Stiching, "in hand" EPP linky party and Hexie weekend.


  1. love this kind . Looks absolutely fantastic. Great colors.

  2. Ooooohhh, these half hexies are too lovely! I love the arrangement! Also a great way to progress on many projects. :-)

  3. Lovely progress.

    Greetings, Manuela

  4. Oh my goodness it looks fantastic! Enjoy your Slow Sunday Stitching today!

  5. Herlige farger! Du jobber jevnt og trutt, og det kommer til å bli så flott!!

  6. looks great! do you thread baste or glue and do you sew thru the cardstock or not when basting

  7. It's gorgeous, Turid! Sounds like you have a plan. Thanks for linking to Hexie Weekend - and good luck on the giveaways that end March 6th, midnight.

  8. Wow--lots of movement in this pattern!! Love the colors.

  9. The distribution of colors and shades is very appealing.

  10. half way there well done, it is coming along well. So relaxing to stitch hexies but I do not enjoy the cutting out stage

  11. I love these colors together!!! Thanks for adding my Tuesday Archives to you will be a fun linky. Val from

  12. This is going to look so striking on your bed, Turid!

  13. this is amazing! congratulations on your progress. =)

    thank you for linking up to In Hand EPP link party.


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