Friday, 25 January 2013

Litt te?

Skulle det være en god kopp te i kulden? Har sydd dette etuiet der jeg kan oppbevare yndlingsteen min. Artig å sy, og flott å få noe ferdig.

Her ser du hvordan det ser ut innvendig. Mønsteret fant jeg på denne siden:

Har også fått quiltet og sydd kanter på en av brødkorgbrikkene.

Have finished a tea wallet and one of the bread basket clothes today. You find a link to the tea wallet pattern above if you would like to try.

Linked to Richard and Tanya QuiltsFind a Friend Friday, TGIFF and Crazy mom quilts.


  1. I love your tea wallet, what a great idea!

  2. Your tea wallet and bread cloth are quite lovely! Thank you for providing a link to the tea wallet.

  3. looks great Turid! the tea bags are FUN! I've made some too with hair elastics, cute bread basket cover or mat


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