Sunday 27 September 2020

Mini La Passion

My little La Passion has grown a bit the last weeks. I think I'm almost half way through to a finish. The measurement right across is about 52", and you can see the 18 first hexies from the last round, 9 on either side. Every round now is more than 400 hexies, all 1/4". I've not yet decided what to put in the big hexagons. Pattern by Grit Kovacs. 

Linked up to

Slow Sunday Stitching

Monday Making


  1. It is coming along so beautifully. Your photographs are also quite lovely!

  2. Disse bitte små hexagonene som du syr er imponerende. Jeg sleit med å sy sammen så mange at jeg kunne lage en liten pung.

  3. It is looking fantastic! Each round will seem to go slowly when it is made of over 400 hexies, but we can still see it growing.


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