Saturday, 9 May 2020

100 days, 26 to 32

Here are this week's pages for the quiet books.

Day 26

Day 27

Day 27, you can pull the leaf, and the flower is gone.

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30

Day 31

Day 31, this is what's in the house, the garden and the air.

Day 32
Linked up to
Can I get a Whoop Whoop?
Finished (or not) Friday
Put your foot down
Peacock Party
Brag about your beauties


  1. Disse blokkene var utrolige flotte og morsomme. Blir så glad av å se dem :-)

  2. Those are so cute! You're really keeping up with your goal, Turid!

  3. Oh so cute - the one with the kittie really caught my eye this week!!


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