Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Mystery quilt

 As I've already said, I've started Kevin's Mystery Quilt. We've got two clues, both with lots of squares. Even if I've cut more than 800, there are lots more to cut. Today I had to start sewing.

Som sagt i mitt forrige innlegg, så har jeg startet en ny mysteriequilt. Vi har fått to deler av Kevin, og begge inneholder mange kvadrater og en haug med fourpatchblokker. Jeg har kuttet over 800 av kvadratene, men har mange igjen. Måtte starte å sy også i dag.

Linked up to
Wednesday Wait Loss
Midweek Makers
WOW=WIPs On Wednesdays


  1. It's a mystery for me when I will have a chance to finish the numerous quilts that I have started :)

  2. That's way too many squares for me!

  3. That's a lot of squares for sure, but so beautiful! Love those fabrics. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

    Now, a question. For some reason, after visiting your blog for a long time, I decided to click Google's Translate button and saw the name of your blog, translated into English. So what does the Quilting Sky mean to you? I have a lot of ideas, but just wondered.


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