Sunday, 14 July 2019

Mini La Passion

Det har blitt noen ekstra sekskanter på dette arbeidet siste måneden. Ellers har det vært ganske stille på syfronten. Håper å finne fram symaskinen igjen snart. Mønsteret er av Grit Kovacs, og størrelsen på sekskantene er 1/4".

I did some hexies for this project the last weeks. My sewing machine has had holiday for a while, but I hope to find it again soon. Pattern by Grit Kovacs, and the hexies are 1/4".

Linked up to
Slow Sunday Stitching
Peacock Party
Put Your Foot Down Linky Party


  1. is this going to be a wall quilt - it is so neat and pretty - such tiny pieces you have such patience for holding tiny pieces

  2. Such perfect teeny tiny sweetness!

  3. You can put a lot of pieces in your hand when they are so small. And it is easy to carry around in that cute pouch.


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