Sunday, 11 November 2018

Halve og hele sekskanter

Bare to sekskanter igjen av #100hexies100days2018. Her er de tre siste ukers temaer.

Only two hexies left og #100hexies100days2018. Here are the themes from the last three weeks.

Something sweet


You're a gem

Quiltingen på mitt store La Passion går sakte framover. Ser bra ut dette.

I quilt on my big La Passion every day. Here are some details.

Det lille vokser også. Her har det dukket fram to monster bak midten.

The small La Passion is also growing. Here two monsters are climbing up from from behind the center of the quilt.

Sikksakkquilten har også fått tre nye blokker. En gang må vel dette bli ferdig også.

My zig zag quilt has got three new blocks this week. Will I manage to finish it sometime?

Linked up to
Slow Sunday Stitching
Show and Tell Monday with Bambi 
Modern Patch Monday
HeLP for hexie-aholics 


  1. Love the quilting your doing on your La Passion! What a great quilt it will be!

  2. Your hexie projects are amazing!

  3. LOL at the 'mini monster' picture. It really does look like two sets of eyes at this point!

    And I like the graphic look of the quilting on the dark part of your big hexi quilt. Very different to the outline or overall patterns so often used.

  4. You made me laugh at your description of the two monsters!

    I love to see the progress on your beautiful projects.

  5. Så duktig du är! Jag blir så imponerad, Var hittar du all energi?!!!!!

  6. You've got an impressive number of EPP projects going on! Your quilting is really lovely. I adore the hexie with the little bear...that whole flower makes me smile! :)

  7. Beautiful English paper piecing!

  8. Tack för din inspiration och länkning till Visa och Berätta måndag!!Bambi

  9. Gorgeous geometric patterns with your hand quilting!! Will your mini-monster-LP quilt also be part of the exhibit even tho it's not done? I'm thinking it would show another color scheme and the difference in size would be fun to see.

  10. Fabulous projects! I like the polar bear center.


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