Saturday, 15 April 2017

Scrap Happy Day i april

Midt i hver måned har rutigt en dag der hun viser fram sine resteprosjekter. På siden hennes finner du også linker til mange andre som syr av småbiter. Stikk gjerne innom henne for å få nye idéer. Denne quilten som jeg holder på med, syr jeg på bare den 15. i hver måned. Men det går da framover.

The 15th in every month rutigt has a day she shows us her scrap projects. If you click the link you can also find links to other great ideas for scrap quilts. I sew on this special project only this day every month. But it's growing, and I'm happy with it.

Denne måneden ble det bare en ny blokk.

I made only one new block this month.

Disse husene skal også være med i quilten til slutt.

These houses will be a part of this quilt in the end.

Linked up to Show Off Saturday and OhScrap!


  1. I love your scrappy blocks!! They look great!

  2. love that quilt the scrappy blocks are terrific

  3. your scrap quilt is progressing well

  4. Look at you sewing up all those scraps. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  5. LOVE the scrappy project that you have in the works!!

  6. I LOVE these colorful scrappy blocks!


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