Saturday, 22 April 2017

La Passion - 11 700 hexagons

Vanskelig å se forskjell mellom hvert hundre. Men når jeg ser på bildet som er tatt for ett år siden, så ser jeg jo stor framgang.

It's difficult to see the difference between every hundred. But I found a picture from a year ago, and found it has grown a lot.

April -17

April -16

Linked up to
Show Off Saturday
WIPs Be Gone


  1. so that's 1200 later or is it 5200 later?

  2. yes can see a big difference I know you have a deadline to get this completed and I am sure you will reach it with time to spare

  3. That is really beautiful! Very intricate!

  4. Handy to have the old photo to compare. It shows that you really are making progress!


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