Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Il est fini! FAL first finish.

Mon quilt pour Béa et Cecile Quilt-a-long est fini, et je suis très heureuse.

Yesterday after midnight I finished this quilt for Béa and Cecile Quilt-a-long. This is also my first finish for FAL17. I really like how it came out. We made two log cabin blocks every week for eight weeks. I made them wonky and scrappy, as I love such quilts. Here are some photoes of my housequilt. Jump over to Béa et Cecile to see all the other beautiful quilts made.

Så vidt innen tidsfristen fikk jeg denne quilten i Béa og Cecile sin quilt-a-long ferdig. Er veldig fornøyd med hvordan den ble tilslutt. Trykk på linken og se mange andre flotte log cabin quilter.

Size: 33" x 40"

Linked up to Béa et Cecile QAL, Midweek Makers, Needle and Thread Thursday, Scraptastic Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.


  1. Bravo Turid pour ce quilt très original et gai et surtout merci de ta participation.

  2. really liking the wonkyness of this off to check out the others now

  3. Adorable! A great way to use scraps! Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers!

  4. Lovely! Each house has its own appeal. :-) Have a nice weekend!

  5. What a bright and cheerful neighborhood! I love your wonky little houses!

  6. What a beautiful quilt and I really like your wonky houses!

  7. Vilken fantastisk quilt! Jättefin!

  8. Cute little houses and trees - a lovely neighbourhood I'm sure! Thank you for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!


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