Sunday, 13 November 2016

La Passion - 10 100 hexagons

Det er tre uker siden jeg passerte 10 000 sekskanter, så nå var det på tide å få på et nytt hundre. I dag var det fint og lyst ute, men ikke tørt nok i gresset for å brette utover quilten. Den begynner etterhvert å bli for stor for stuegolvet, og dessuten er det litt for mørkt inne på denne årstiden.

Three weeks since I passed 10 000 hexies, and at last I had the time to sew another hundred. So nice and sunny outside today, but the grass was wet, and I couldn't place the whole quilt out to show you. It's almost too big for my floor, and so dark inside on this time of the year.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. This is gorgeous!!! Very stunning!!!

  2. Your quilt color and design is amazing!

  3. It's so gorgeous and growing bigger every day!

  4. this is coming along beautifully

  5. Wow! It's looking absolutely stunning! Great pictures!
    Barbara x

  6. Du er utruleg uthaldande! Blir det sengeteppe, eller endå større?

  7. AMAZING!! That is a lot of hexis! I can't imagine taking the first step on a project of that size! Woo hoo!


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