Wednesday, 27 July 2016

City Sampler, blokk 19-20

Da er jeg igang igjen på dette prosjektet.  Har sydd to nye blokker i dag, og da er jeg ferdig med 20 prosent av blokkene som er designet av Tula Pink.

I took up this project again today, and made two new blocks. Tula Pink designed these blocks. 


Linked up to Let's Bee Social and Needle and Thread Thursday.


  1. I loved making these blocks and ended up with 2 small quilts for the back of 2 2 seater couches and a large quilt for Catherine if I ever get my sewing mojo back I will make some more but at the moment have lost interest in all stitching though enjoying seeing what everyone else is doing

  2. Eg likar så godt fargane dine!


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