Sunday, 19 June 2016

Jeg fant, jeg fant

Sommerferie, og tid til å rydde, eller rote, alt etter som. Disse blokkene her hadde jeg helt glemt. Nå har jeg tatt dem fram, og vil gjøre noe med dem senere i sommer. Alt er håndsydd.

Summer holiday, and I have the time to clean up. Funny how many things just popping up. These blocks I'd actually forgotten. Now I will do something with them this summer. Everything is hand sewn and appliqued.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching and Podunk Pickin's.


  1. I like those, Turid! What size are they? It's fun to find things.

  2. Those look really tiny...and cute! Dresden's are my favorite quilt block. Thanks for sharing on Podunk Pickin's!

  3. I love all the pretty blocks and the fabrics you used. Can't wait to see what you make with them.

  4. pretty dresdens wonder what you arw going to do ith them, maybe they would make nice bag fronts

  5. Wonderful little dresden plate blocks.

  6. fun blocks never saw them before! a colored sashing would be great or even tiny blocks in the sashing? have fun om your vacation

  7. Kjempefine, gler meg til fortsettelsen :-)

  8. Hei. Har faktisk noen slike liggende selv, men klarte ikke helt å bestemme meg for hva de skulle ende opp som. Gleder meg til å se ditt ferdige prosjekt.
    Hilsen Berit


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