Monday, 9 May 2016

City Sampler, blokk 16-18

Dette er kosearbeid, og går sakte framover. Her er de neste tre blokkene fra boka til Tula Pink.

This is going slowly, but I'm so in love with these blocks from Tula Pink's book.

Linked up to Fabric Frenzy Friday, Show and Tell Monday with Bambi and Modern Patch Monday.


  1. Tack tack för din medverkan och inspiration idag på Visa och Berätta måndag!!Bambikram

  2. you are getting along so well with these blocks like you I love them have to small quilts of them on the back of my 2 small couches and every time I look at them think I will have to make them again and this time have one big bed quilt

  3. Så länge du fortsätter att sy dem, gör det inget om det tar lite tid! Fina block!!

  4. These are lovely blocks: simple but very effective.


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