Saturday, 26 March 2016

Mars har vært lilla

Ettersom jeg ikke har så mange rester i lilla, ble det bare små blokker denne måneden. En gris, to sirkler, en spole, en stjerne og to sommerfugler har jeg sydd i månedens farge i RSC16-utfordringen. Så har jeg sydd ferdig nåleputen av med den lilla stjernen. Har ikke startet noe nytt lilla prosjekt, men tok fram en gammel brikke som jeg hadde tenkt å quilte. Men så langt kom jeg ikke. Nå venter jeg på neste farge.

As I have few purple scraps, I just made the small blocks this month. A pig, two circles, a spool, a star and two butterflies were made in the RSC16-challenge. I made a new pincushion with the star. I didn't start anything new, but I found an old quilt I thought I could finish. I'm keeping it for later. Looking forward to finding out about next month's colour.

Linked up to RSC16 Scraphappy Saturday and Show Off Saturday.


  1. Pretty blocks this month. Great progress.

  2. Pretty purple blocks! I love the stars!
    I'm looking forward to the next color, too.

  3. the bottom picture, is it a quilt? It is absolutely stunning in purples. LeeAnna

  4. I just finished a pincushion too. haven't shown it yet.

  5. For having "just a little purple," you made quite a lot. I love the strips of writing with the dark purple.

  6. Great projects! Love that last block. So different!

  7. The large star block is beautiful with the batik and the trees. Keep up the good work!

  8. so many good blocks you have made with your purpel scraps

  9. Vilka fina resultat du fått från dina lila scraps!

  10. Beautiful purple blocks : )

  11. Your stars are wonderful - I, too, am anxious to know what color is coming next.


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