Friday, 19 February 2016


Jeg har av og til problemer med å finne igjen de forskjellige arbeidene jeg holder på med. Derfor tenkte jeg at det hadde vært lurt å sy noen poser som kunne hengt på en fast plass. Startet i dag med denne stjerneposen. Fargene passer bra til mitt prosjekt med halve sekskanter.

Sometimes I don't find the different things I'm working on. I use much time racing around to try to find out where I put it last time I worked with it. But now I've found that if I keep them in drawstring bags, and hang them up, it might be easier. Today I made my first one, and the colours are just perfect to go with my half hexagon quilt.

Linked up to Crazy mom quilts, Happy Friday, Show Off Saturday and Fabric Frenzy Friday.


  1. yay! oh I have several sewing bags, then it becomes a problem of finding WHICH bag I put stuff in :)

  2. what a good idea so much nicer than plastic boxes, your quilt must be getting quite large judging from the bulgeing bag

  3. Det var en fiffig idé av Dig att sy en påse för att förvara "ett arbete i under processen".
    Tack för tipet!


  4. Helt sikkert smart med alle de små bitene du skal holde styr på! Lekker pose i gla`farger:)

  5. What a great idea - and so pretty. I like the combination of the wonky star with that floral fabric a lot.

  6. oh yes... hunting for stuff. I wonder how many minutes it adds up to after a lifetime of looking.

  7. I like the bag and what you keep inside, also.


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