Thursday, 15 October 2015


Disse er ikke fra Amsterdam, men sydd av et mønster fra min venninne Lea Anne. Skikkelig nydelige ble de, og de skal brukes i et fellesteppe sammen med medlemmer fra quiltelaget mitt. Mer om dette prosjektet om noen uker.

These tulips are not from Amsterdam, but made from a pattern my friend Lea Anne made. They're really nice, and will be used in a project in my quilt guild. I'll tell you more about this project in some weeks.

Linked up to Needle and Thread Thursday, Fabric Frenzy Friday and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Adorable tulips--very pretty ..hugs, Julierose

  2. very nice and they will last forever unlike those in the garden

  3. Lovely tulips! Nice when others enjoy free patterns.

  4. I am living n Amsterdam and they are selling a lot of bulbs for tulips this month. I hope the tulips are as beautiful next year as yours. Have a nice weekend.


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