Saturday, 8 August 2015

Utstilling og flere vimpler

Min venninne og jeg var med på en utstilling i en naustrekke ute i havgapet i dag. Det var liv og røre hele dagen, og kjekt å stille ut i de gamle naustene. Jeg sydde en ny vimpelrekke i går til å pynte utenfor naustet. Denne var det plutselig noen som ville kjøpe. Så nå må jeg sy ny pynt til neste gang vi skal stille ut. Her noen bilder fra standen vår.

Me and my friend were part of an exhibition in some old boathouses by the sea today. Many people came to talk and buy things. I made a new garland yesterday to put outside the boathouse. Suddenly it was sold, and I have to make a new one for next time. Here are some pictures from our stand.

Linked up to Fabric Frenzy Friday and Show Off Saturday.


  1. Så spennande dette var, då! Kvar var det?

  2. how good to be able to share your work with others, bunting is very popular here too

  3. Your displays look very nice!! Glad you are selling things, it makes for a fun day!! When you put items out, for people to view, they somehow "see" it more clearly. Good luck making more bunting, for your next sales date.

  4. what fun! I want that norwegian sweater!! :)
    hope you sold lots of stuff.

  5. What lovely goodies!! I wish I could be there to shop! Everything is displayed so nicely! I hope you had a good turn-out!


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