Monday, 22 June 2015

QM Bitty Blocks for June

June has until now been too busy to make the June blocks from Quilty Pleasures. But now I've started, and they are so fun to do. I keep them very scrappy, so the small hearts will have many different colours.

Linked up to Show and tell with Bambi and Oh Scrap!


  1. plenty of hearts here, not sure how I missed this BOM as follow quilty pleasures, maybe just as well though as I seem to have more than I handle handle stitch wise at the moment

  2. Tack Turid för din inspiration och länkning till Visa och Berätta måndag/Bambikram

  3. Love these hearts! Reminds me of some pastel ones I started appliquéing many moons ago...should really dig them out and finish that up. I love red with blue!

  4. too cute! are they foundation pieced or rotary cut.

  5. Adorable scrappy blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  6. Very pretty. I made the bow ties and the little houses, but I've gotten too busy to keep up. Thanks for sharing your hearts.

  7. åh så söta dina små hjärtan är. fint att göra dem tvåfärgade.


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