Sunday, 8 February 2015

Stadig voksende

Vel hjemme igjen, og månedens seks blokker er sydd på denne sikksakk-quilten. Den har vokst litt siden jeg tok den fram for et års tid siden.

I'm at home again, and this quilt has grown with six blocks this month too. I can see that it has grown a lot since I found and restarted it about a year ago.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching, WIPs Be Gone and Show Off Saturday.


  1. Beautiful! I love this quilt. :)

  2. Wow... that is really growing! A little bit at a time adds up to lots of progress!

  3. I love the colors and design! I've never seen this before, is there a pattern?

  4. This is such an interesting quilt. The geometric pattern stands out against the black.

  5. Your quilt is beautiful and interesting. I thought it was curve piecing when I first saw it. I can't wait to see the finished work.

  6. I love the progress you show in this modern EPP. Such a beauty! Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone - this one is going!

  7. This is such a strong design - I love how it is growing.


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