Thursday, 19 June 2014

Rosa rapport

Har blitt en hexie-aholiker, og har de siste månedene nesten bare sydd på håndsømprosjektene mine. Men da vokser de jo i hvert fall. Denne gangen er det dette rosa teppet som har fått seks nye sommerfugler.

I think I'm a real hexie-aholic, because the last months I've worked a lot on my hexie projects. And they really grow, all of them. This time my pink quilt has got six new butterflies.

Linked up to HeLP for Hexie-aholics.


  1. Oh I would agree - you are definitly a hexie-aholic. I love to see this quilt coming together!

  2. From one hexie-aholic to another, I just want to say that your pink butterflies looks fantastic!

  3. loving this, I am waiting for the long hexagon template to come through my letter box


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