Sunday, 11 May 2014

La Passion - 2200 hexagons

Har gjort ferdig den svarte runden, og er kommet godt igang med runden utenfor. Da har jeg tatt fargevalget for flere hundre sekskanter framover. Blir spennende å se hvordan dette utvikler seg. Vil du se tidligere poster om dette prosjektet, kan du bare klikke her.

The black round is finished, and this next is much more interesting. I've decided the colours for hundreds of new hexies, and I'm excited to see how this works. You may see more of this project here.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching and Bambisyr.


  1. gorgeous! how big is it now?

  2. It's GOOOORRRGEOUS !! Love it.

  3. Oh wow! So many wonderful hexies! This takes real dedication!

  4. Your second round looks great. I like your colors.

    Greetings, Manuela

  5. Det er et utrolig prosjekt du har tatt på deg, og det blir fantastisk fint!
    Jeg hadde aldri hatt tålmodighet (eller tid) til noe slikt.

  6. Amazing! You have a fantastic collection of black and white fabrics! Love seeing your progress!

  7. Wonderful. I love your colors.

  8. how exciting it is. I just love seeing the black and white choices against the green. LeeAnna Paylor

  9. this is looking pretty spectacular

  10. Här växer din vackra hexagon quilt fram sakta och säkert.Helt otroligt vackert!!Bambikram

  11. It is a lot of work but it is worth all of the effort because it is beautiful! The colours you have chosen are so exciting and vibrant!

  12. Turid jag är så glad att du vill INSPIRERA oss svenskar med ditt fina hexagon arbete!!!Tack för du länkar till Visa och Berätta,måndag,Bambikram och jag är så stolt över detta!!!!!

  13. Such a lot of work and beautiful bold colours too!

  14. Sååå vackert. Och vilket imponerande jobb.

  15. It is so nice to see another one who is making this. A lot of work but relaxing.


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