Sunday, 13 April 2014

La Passion - 2100 hexagons

Disse siste hundre var bare svarte, og kjedelig å sy. I løpet av de neste hundre må jeg starte på mønsteret utenfor denne raden, og det blir spennende. Vi er mange som syr etter Grits mønster, men bare én utenom henne som er ferdig med alle 17000. Det nederste bildet er tatt 26. april ifjor, så i disse dager har jeg sydd i ett år.

The last hundred hexies were black, and boring to sew. The next hundred will be better, less than 40 blacks left. We are several sewing Grit's pattern, but only one other has finished all the 17000 hexies. The last picture is from April 26th last year, so it's about a year sice I started this project.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching and "in hand" epp linky party.


  1. It's beautiful with the black all around, even though it was borrow to sew. It really makes the greens sparkle. Thanks for linking up and sharing your progress!

  2. Deze groene Passion is ook erg mooi.

  3. It is an amazing project...just gorgeous !

  4. it looks awesome! good job on it!

  5. Your La Passion looks great. I like your choose of colors.

    Greetings, Manuela

  6. I love your color choice! My La Passion is almost at the same level

  7. This is just gorgeous! I love the green with the black and white.

  8. Wow! it is truly a beautiful quilt. Hang in there, you know it is all worth it.
    I love your colour choices.

  9. This is an awesome hexie project. Thanks for sharing

  10. this is coming along so well, do you aim to finish it by a certain time?

  11. 17,000? Oh my gosh! That is one big bunch of hexagons! I see the black border is coming around almost ready to meet itself. Great progress!

  12. Jeg er fortsatt like imponert! For en jobb, og så flott det blir!

  13. Så vacker!! Glad Påsk till dig och Bambikram


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