Sunday, 6 April 2014

Almost invisible

It's Sunday, and time for slow stitches. And I really mean slow stitches, because the progress is almost invisible from month to month. This weekend I've joined six blocks to this quilt. I've calculated, and found that it means about 180 square centimetres. In addition I've also basted a pile of new hexies this week.

Søndag igjen, og tid for langtidsprosjekter. Det går seint,og framgangen er nesten usynlig. Denne helgen har jeg sydd seks nye blokker til denne quilten. Har regnet ut at det utgjør omtrent 180 kvadratcentimeter. I tillegg har jeg klargjort en haug med nye sekskanter.

Linked up to Hexie Weekend and Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. Dat ziet er heel mooi uit. Hexagonnen vervelen nooit, ook al gaat het langzaam

  2. Those parallelograms made up of half hexies are so vibrant! I wonder what you're going to make with those new hexies? Thanks for linking the Hexie Weekend. We love to see your progress.

  3. Det går sakte men sikkert framover!

  4. I made a Kaleidoscope quilt last year in those colors. Your half hexie quilt is beautiful.

  5. Hi Turid! I like the work, slow is good. The book cover is excellent! The embroidery by machine looks hand done from here. Nice! We are finally enjoying our crocus and daffodils, waiting for tulips and iris. Trees starting to bloom. LeeAnna Paylor

  6. this might be coming along slowly but it is so worth it as it looks so very good


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