Sunday, 23 March 2014

Ny vår og flere sommerfugler

Etter et par dager med vinter, er våren tilbake for fullt. Bladene spretter ut, og det er lysegrønt i alle hekker. Krokus og påskeliljer lyser mot oss fra alle bed. Her har jeg tatt med de rosa sommerfuglene mine ut på en luftetur. Har sydd seks nye blokker på denne i helgen.

After a couple of days with winter, the spring returned to us this weekend. I took out my butterflies so that they could feel the air under their wings today. I've joined six new blocks to this work during the weekend.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching and Hexie Weekend.


  1. Such beautiful photos of your butterflies in the garden! Your spring weather is ahead of ours... it is minus 11 degrees Celsius today at my house!
    ENjoy your spring weather and your slow stitching!

  2. Those are darling butterflies flitting in the flowers :)

  3. Such a gorgeous butterflies!!

  4. how cool you're doing the dark sections now, can't wait to see the finished result

  5. Åhhh vilka underbara bilder du visar idag!!!!!Bambikram

  6. Your butterfly quilt is growing beautifully and the flowers are lovely :)

  7. They are coming along very nicely. The crocuses are beautiful too.

  8. I have never seen half hexies like that..super cool!

  9. butterflies look very much at home in the sunshine. We have seen plenty in the garden the last few days, a sure sign of spring

  10. Pretty butterfly's! Love the spring flowers. I really miss those from up north.


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