Sunday, 9 March 2014

Hexagon BOM - mars

Denne månden er grønn, og jeg har sydd denne, som er marsblokken hos The Hexagon blog.  Prøver meg litt fram med forskjellige bakgrunner, og ser jo godt hva jeg ikke skal velge.

This month is green, and I've done this March block from The Hexagon blog. I'm testing different backgrounds, and I really know what I shouldn't choose.

Linked up to Hexie Weekend, Slow Sunday Stiching and Sew Many Ways.


  1. Such a pretty Shamrock block for March! Wonder which background you will pick? I like the light background to show off the lovely greens :)
    Enjoy your Sunday... thanks for linking up!

  2. Så spennende å se! Skikkelig herlige farger du har funnet, vårlig og fine:)

  3. I too like the light your hexi!

    1. Perfect post to rejuvinate today!! Thanks for sharing under our green theme this week at Tuesday Archives!

  4. These are lovely blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing which background you decide :)

  5. you have a lovely selection of greens here, I have not decided on backing yet, whether to use just one fabric which was my origonal plan but now thinking about assorted fabrics, time will tell

  6. Lime grønn er en herlig deilig farge - den er som sola, man blir så glad :)

  7. Beautiful march block. I choose the white background.

    Greetings, Manuela


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