Saturday, 25 May 2013

2013 Aurifil Featured Designer of the Month - mai

Endelig fikk jeg sydd denne blokken for mai. Den var enkel å sy, så det gikk greit.

Her ser du hvordan den passer inn med de andre blokkene jeg har sydd.

The May-block from Aurifil, named Rocking Round the Clock. I love these colours.

Linked up to Sew Darn Crafty Linky Party, Week 116 and Let's Get Acquaited Link Up.


  1. Wunderschöne Blöcke , und eine ganz tolle Farbkombination.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  2. Beautiful! I love your colors!

  3. Dropped by from P&J LGA and I'm just loving your colours and block designs, they are simply stunning :)

  4. Love the colours! They are fab!

  5. Great blocks. Love those colors.


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