Friday, 1 February 2013

Ferdig på fredag

Synes disse te-mappene er koselige. Tenk å få gi bort en slik med den beste teen til en god venn. Tenker det blir enda flere slike. Litt forskjellige blir de jo også, bare se på den forrige.

 Her ser du hvordan den se ut inni, med fire lommer med plass til teposer.

Er i rute med denne radquilten også. Her ser du rad 8 - 10 helt ferdig. Teppet begynner å ta form, men vi har enda noen rader igjen. Neste kommer på onsdag her.

A new tea wallet, a bit different from the last one. And I'm still working on this rowquilt, going towards an end in few weeks. Next row is here on wednesday.

Linked up to Find a Friend Friday and Crazy mom.


  1. What a wonderful tea wallet and I love your row quilt, the colors are stunning!

  2. Wow I absolutely LOVE your row quilt in so vibrant colours !!!

  3. Hej! Jättefina färger i row-alongen! Man blir glad!

  4. Found your blog on Find a Friend Friday. Love your row quilt! The colors are just gorgeous. Your tea wallet is lovely! Nice to meet you!

  5. The wallet is cute, and it is nice to have a project, no matter how small that is finished.

    But I love the row quilt. I like how every row is something different. Love the houses. And the stars. And the mittens.

  6. Cute tea wallet - what a good idea. Also love your row quilt - also another great idea. Especially love the black background with the bright colours!


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