Thursday, 28 February 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes - ferdig

Puh, da var jeg endelig ferdig med denne løperen, bare en time før fristen går ut. Kjekt å ha satt seg noen mål om å få noe ferdig. Jeg er i grunnen ikke så flink til å få ferdig ting, liker å være i prosessen.

Toppen har vært ferdig lenge, og slik så den ut da måneden begynte. Da var det snø ute, men den er heldigvis borte nå.

Her er litt flere bilder av den ferdige løperen. Blir fin både til jul og valentinsdagen.

I finished this table runner just in time. It can be used both for Christmas and Valentines day. Thanks to Connie who inspired me to make it.

Linked up to February Finishes Party, FFF at Sew Many Ways, LAFF at Richard and Tanya and Crazy mom quilts.


  1. Den ble kjempe fin :-)
    Go hælg og Klæm fra lillesøster :-)

  2. This is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing and enjoying my tutorial!

  3. Den ble flott! Ligger mye arbeid bak. Fint at du ble ferdig innen fristen da :) god helg!

  4. It's so great.. and yes you're right you can use it a few times. Great finish.

    Thanks for linking up

  5. What a beautiful runner! I just love that idea of using it for two holidays or even a modern daily runner too! Very nice!

  6. Wow, it's beautiful! I love all the reds together. They are beautiful against the black.

  7. Thank you for linking up in March to Richard and Tanya Quilts on our Link a Finish Friday. We will have a new linkup available every Friday. So stop by and share what you have been working on and check out what others are doing.

  8. Gorgeous!! Love the red/black combo!

  9. Love all that red! Visiting from Val's, but I don't have any string quilts or blocks to share--maybe next time the theme roll around!


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