Sunday, 1 December 2019

Sying på søndag

Koser meg med håndsøm framfor fjernsynet i dag. Har flere prosjekter gående, og prøver å gjøre litt på alle. Har også vært en tur ute og laget snømann. Du kan vinne en av disse nåleputene her.

So happy to work with different projects in front of my TV today. And with a little snow I had fun making a snowman too. You can win one of those pincushions here.

 Linked up to
Slow Sunday Stitching


  1. Such a cute snowman! I love your collection of pincushions around him, and your tiny hexies, too. So pretty!

  2. A great snowman, surrounded by pincushions!
    Love your Christmas hexies!
    Oooh, and a new pincushion too!
    Barbara xx

  3. If there is enough snow for a snowman, it must mean winter has arrived. He is very cute.

  4. hej turid,
    what a cute snowman! i think we dont have snow this year :0) it is too warm... sweet little hexies, i am in love :0) good wishes from denmark, Ulrike :0)

  5. Cute snowman! I hope we get a little snow this winter. Your pin cushions are super sweet! :)


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