Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Scrappy nålepute

Her har jeg brukt de aller minste bitene av nydelige stoffer som jeg har. Den lille lomma kan fylles med papirmaler. Se også flere måter å bruke rester på hos Rutigt.

Here I've used the tiniest scraps I have. Nice to have a pocket to fill with paper hexies. You can also find more scrappy projects on the blog Rutigt.

Linked up to
Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River
Tuesday Colour and Inspiration Party at Clever Chameleon Quilting
Let's Bee Social


  1. That is such a cute pocket pillow!! I love the teeny tiny patched piece on the front!

  2. Super søde nålepude! Ser fint ud. Hilsen ulrike,:-)

  3. Super cute! I love the color mix. So teeny tiny!

  4. Kjempeflott nålepute, og så gøy å få bruke slike små stoffrester. :-)

  5. This is a really cute pincushion, Turid! Love those teeny pieces!
    Barbara xx

  6. Wow, love the tiny patchwork! And what a good idea, so all those hexies don't get lost. Thanks for sharing on Clever Chameleon


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