Sunday, 27 August 2017

La Passion - 13 500 hexagons

Hjørnet vokser sakte, men sikkert. Og om du tror jeg er ferdig snart, så se på det andre bildet. Der har jeg 2 700 sekskanter, og det dekker omtrent hele fronten på bilen. Jeg har nesten 4 000 sekskanter igjen før jeg er ferdig, altså ganske mye mer enn på dette bildet.

The second corner is growing every day. If you think I'm almost finished, you should take a look at the other picture here. It's showing 2 700 hexies, and is almost covering the front of my car. I've about 4 000 hexies left, so pretty much more than this. The hexies are 1/2".

Linked up to
Slow Sunday Stitching
Show Off Saturday


  1. looks great! you need another pic on your car now?

  2. It's beautiful! Keep up the good work!

  3. I know there's a long way to go, but you have completed over 3/4 of it. How long ago did you take the photo on the car? The quilt has grown an amazing amount since then!

  4. coming along so well, the one on the car looks like a giant turtle

  5. Wow! This quilt is beautiful!

  6. I'm so impressed with how you have persevered with this project! It's really starting to look like a finished top!!

  7. Av 17 000 hexies har du nu "bara" 4 000 hexies kvar! Jag är mycket imponerad!!!!


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