Sunday, 20 August 2017

La Passion - 13 400 hexagons

Etter mange dager med synsproblemer og flere turer til øyelege, har jeg endelig klart å sy fast noen sekskanter igjen. Slik presisjonsarbeid er umulig å utføre uten godt syn.

After some days with eye problems and some visits to the ophthalmologist, I'm finally able to sew some hexies again. So difficult to do this work without seeing clearly.

Linked up to
Slow Sunday Stitching
Tweety Loves Quilting
Show Off Saturday


  1. I find sewing black material with black thread to be the most difficult! I'm glad that you are able to see to sew again. Looks fantastic!

  2. hope your eyes will be ok, beautiful work!

  3. I hope your eyes get better soon! Sewing with eye issue is very hard indeed, but you had great progress this week too! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. So glad you hear that your eyes are feeling better and you can get back to your beautiful quilt!

  5. I hope your vision clears up soon. This quilt is getting better with each update.

  6. Wow! I am so impressed with your beautiful work!

  7. do hope eye problem is sorted and will not return, no fun being unable to sew.

  8. Yes, those black hexies would be difficult to work even with good eyesight. xx

  9. I'm sorry to hear you have been having vision problems. Working with those black hexagons would be difficult even at the best of times. Look after your eyes!

  10. Great progress. Hope you won't have any more eye problems

  11. Du syr så mycket fint och jag hoppas din syn är bättre nu!


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