Monday, 24 April 2017

City Sampler, blokk 37-38

To nye blokker fra Tula Pink sin bok City Sampler. Kjekt å sy et par blokker nå og da uten stress.

Two new blocks from City Sampler by Tula Pink. I love this long term project, because I can sew a couple of blocks now and then without stress.



Linked up to
Show and Tell Monday with Bambi
Modern Patch Monday


  1. Tack för din inspiration och länkning denna veckan till Visa och Berätta måndag!!kram Bambi

  2. 2 more blocks done can`t wait to see the quilt completed but will be patient!

  3. The city sampler is such a fun project. I also started a new sampler with the book because the blocks are just so relaxing and fun to play with.

  4. En France, j'ai une amie qui fait aussi ce projet avec beaucoup d'autres ! Ce quilt est très populaire dans le monde entier !

  5. Så flotte blokker! Ja, det er kjekkest å sy i eget tempo uten press. Ellers har du jo noen prosjekter på gang, da. Jeg er imponert! :-)


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