Friday 9 October 2015

Marin quilt

Dette er en annen av mine quilter som jeg har besøkt de siste dagene. Den er sydd til en friluftsmann som også liker båtliv. Båtene og kompasset er sydd på papir, og det var mye arbeid å få vekk papiret etterpå. Men fint ble det.

This is another of my quilts I have given away, and visited some days ago. It is made for a boy who loves the nature and the sea. The compass and the boats are sewn on paper. So much work to remove it, but with a beautiful result in the end.

Linked up to LaFF at Richard and Tanya Quilts, Crazy mom quilts, Show Off Saturday and Fabric Frenzy Friday.


  1. How nice to visit quilts you gave away. This is very lovely. I like the combination of the really striking compass, the quirky little boats and the squares and triangles - it's a really effective combination.

  2. Jättefin kvilt du sytt i härliga blå färger! Men varför använder du inte paperpiecing-papper? Då slipper du dra bort papper sen.

  3. Dette teppet var flott!! Så fint i blånyansene!

  4. I love it! Great nautical quilt.

  5. Jag hoppas han blev glad, för det är en mycket fin quilt :)

  6. what a great quilt for a boy and someone who loves to sail, I am learning to like blue more these days yours do not look cold at all, I usually think blue is such a cold colour

  7. I like the thought to travel araound and to visit quilts you made! Nice quilt for a boy!

  8. Soooo many lovely blues! Especially love the sailboat.

  9. SEW lovely, great foundation piecing.

  10. My daughter would love this quilt because she loves sailing :) it is a gorgeous Mariner's Compass, but I think my favorite part is your wonderful border of sailboats. Truly an outstanding quilt!

  11. Amazing quilt - beautiful colours. He's a lucky boy!

  12. Yes...the blues are wonderful. Love all the little boats!


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