Thursday, 23 January 2014

Hexagon BOM - januar

Kunne ikke motstå fristelsen til å sy dette snøfnugget. Det er en serie som skal gå hele året på The HEXIE Blog, med en ny blokk hver måned. Så får jeg se om jeg syr de andre blokkene.

Det skal monteres på et underlag, men jeg tror jeg venter med å bestemme meg for farge til jeg ser noen flere av blokkene. Her har jeg testet svart, hvitt og rødt.

I couldn't resist the temptation to make this snowflake. It's a BOM brought to us by The HEXIE Blog. It will be sewn to a background, but I will wait until I see the next block to decide the colour. I've tested black, white and red here.

Linked up to Hexie Weekend.


  1. Your hexie BOM looks fantastic and it is so interesting how it looks with a different background . I`m looking forward to see more.
    Thank you for your lovely words on my blog.
    Greetings Grit

  2. Så spennende! Artig å se effekten med forskjellige bakgrunnstoffene. :-)

  3. Love your snowflake! It looks good on all of the fabrics. Can't wait to see the next block. I haven't done mine yet.

  4. Du er en hexie-dame du! :) Dette blir spennende!

  5. looks great! I am almost done with mine but I fussy cut it and now I don't LOVE it.

  6. lovely snowflake, like you I have not decided what background to use but think I will opt for cream as my blocks will be lots of different colours, can`t wait to see what the next one will be,

  7. This is such a fun project. I like the subtle colour change in the blue fabrics you used. I think I like the white background best because it reminds me of snow!

  8. It's hard to chose a background. I'm in the same boat. Thinking I'll do a couple of months of hexie and then decide. Yours looks terrific.


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