Friday, 17 January 2014

HeLP for Hexie-aholics

Den 17. i hver måned arrangerer Sarah en link-up for alle oss som liker håndsøm av sekskanter. Der kan vi inspirere hverandre til å fortsette, eller kanskje starte på noe nytt. Jeg prøver å gjøre begge deler, men liker jo aller best å starte på nye ting. Dermed har jeg mange prosjekter på gang.

Denne uken har jeg fått ferdig det jeg har planlagt for januar for denne rosa quilten. Har gjort ferdig og sydd fast 5 nye blokker.

Dessuten holder jeg på med dette snøfnugget. Har sydd på rad nummer to.

The 17th each month Sarah has a link-up for all hexie lovers where we can inspire each other to go on or even start new projects. I always start new things, and so I have many quilts to work on.

This week I've finished my January plan for this pink half hexagon quilt. I've made 5 blocks and joined them to the quilt.

Then I've sewn a new round on this snowflake. I couldn't resist trying this block. I've linked this up to Hexie Weekend.

Also linked up to Slow Sunday Stiching at Kathy'sQuilts and HeLP for Hexie-aholics



  1. You're a very bad influence to always start new projects and tempt me but as usual they are gorgeous. Is your snowflake from the hexie block of the month at or just something you are putting together?

  2. Alltid artig å starte på noe nytt :) og inspirerende å ha flere prosjekter gående samtidig! Du er kjempeflink med disse hexagonene!

  3. fine ehxies, jeg lavede den snowflake men don't LOVE it.... saa ved ikke om jeg l aver en ny eller dropper det.

  4. Thanks for the link to HeLP for Hexie-aholics. I went over there and linked up my Wednesday post. I love all of your hexie projects. The snowflake is gorgeous!

  5. You snowflake looks wonderful. I'm giving in and making the snowflake as well......hard to resist.

  6. Flotte prosjekter du jobber med her. Snøfnugget ditt er kjempe fint. Engelsk papirsøm er morsomt!!!
    Fin blogg du har her :)

  7. love seeing what you are up to on the hexie road. I have got the snowflake cut out and ready to stitch, must check out the link and see what everyone is doing ans maybe add my snowflake when complete

  8. Your snowflake is gorgeous! And I adore the the half hexagons ... and the color is yummy, too! :)

  9. So beautiful, Turid. Thanks so much for sharing your progess. It brightened my day.

  10. I love your pink half hexies and your choice of background fabric!

  11. Your pink half hexagons are so interesting. They remind me of anvils. I'm made the snowflake block too. It was fast and fun. I can't wait to see the February block!

  12. What a great idea for a snowflake...hexies. The center fabric is so pretty. Your other quilt is cute. I like the pinks.

  13. Just love your pink blocks! That looks quite tricky!
    Enjoy your slow stitching today and thanks for linking up!


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