Saturday, 16 March 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes- framgang

Disse blokkene vil jeg gjerne ha gjort om til en ferdig quilt mot slutten av måneden. Har bestemt meg for å ha med ni blokker. Foreløpig har jeg quiltet fem.

Hver blokk har jeg quiltet på forskjellig måte. Håper det er mulig å se dette på bildene her.

Mid-March check-in for A Lovely Year of Finishes. I've quiltet five blocks, and have decided to have nine in this quilt. Hope it's possible to see that I quiltet each block in a different way.

Linked to FaFF at Sew Many Ways.


  1. Beautiful colours together! It´s gonna be a great quilt!
    Gun, Sweden

  2. Loving the fire in these blocks

  3. What a great combo - orange and gray. Yes, I can see the quilting on those blocks - very nice. You're going to assemble this quilt as you go, right? Thanks for sharing

  4. Wow, fantastic. Beautiful colors.

    Greetings Grit

  5. beautiful blocks love the colours

  6. I found your blog through Find a Friend Friday Linking Party, the blocks that you have made are beautiful, I like "the colors". Thanks for the inspiration!! I love your blog. I am a new follower here. I'll give you the link to my blog, if you have a moment I hope you'll visit me and if you like my creations I invite you to follow me.
    Marisa from

  7. Lovely blocks.
    Wonderful quilting.

    Greetings Manuela

  8. Your color palette is stunning! The fiery orange/reds just glow against that silver background ;)

  9. Your quilting/quilt blocks are very beautiful! Love how you quilted each block differently!

  10. I am really enjoying watching this project bloom. Great job!

  11. I love these blocks and your colors are gorgeous!

  12. The grey with orange is lovely. Would look great on my in-law sofa alas they are not into quilts would love to make a quilt like this one.

  13. Love Love Love the colors and if there is a cat then all the better. Is the quilt really heavy since these is jean fabric? Thanks for sharing!!!


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