Thursday, 7 July 2016

Tilbake til symaskinen

Idag fant jeg fram noen rosa/lilla stoffer. Har en plan her, og håper å få sydd mer i morgen. Dessuten fikk jeg en ny nålepute i posten. Denne kommer helt fra Sør Afrika, og har vært på reise lenge.

Today I found some pink/purple fabrics. I have a plan, and hope to sew more tomorrow. And I got a new pincushion in my mail box. This one has flown all the way from South Africa. Think it's been flying for weeks. Thank you, Cucki.

This little sweetie came with the bird. 

Linked up to Fabric, Thread and Yarn link party.


  1. Oh my goodness, what a bright colour combination!

  2. the pink and purple work so well together and loving the bird pincushion

  3. what a neat vow thing, what is it? a keyring thing?

  4. Those pink and purple blocks are very promising! I'm looking forward to seeing more of this project.
    Thank you for participating to my Fabric, Thread and Yarn link party. Have a good week!


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