Sunday 10 April 2016

Sikksakk i dag

Etter mange forskjellige aktiviteter i dag, satte jeg meg ned med dette arbeidet. Nå trenger jeg å forlenge de siste radene opp til full lengde. Denne skal bli ferdig snart.

After different activities today, I slowed down with this half hexagon quilt. I can see the end of this work soon, have to complete the rest of the rows.

Linked up to Slow Sunday Stitching, Modern Patch Monday and Podunk Pickin's.


  1. Så kjekt å sjå alt det fine du held på med!

  2. so nearly finished so looking forward to seeing it completed

  3. I cannot believe that you have hand sewn this absolutely gorgeous quilt...So amazing!

  4. This mix of colors is stunning. I would never have thought of using them together, but I like it. I looked at your picture for some time before I was able to figure out how you placed your black pieces. But I finally did. lol


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