Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Denim quilt - part 3

Til nå har disse blokkene vært som vanlige log cabin-blokker. Men nå kommer det som er litt spesielt med dem. Du går ikke videre rundt midten, men syr enda en runde rundt de første to strimlene du sydde i part 2. Da forteller bildene resten.

Har også kommet så langt på de andre 47 blokkene. Så nå er jeg klar til å starte med denimstoffet. Må bare kutte enda noen strimler der, slik at jeg får nok. Kommer tilbake med mer i morgen.

The start on these blocks are like ordinary log cabin blocks. But instead of sewing around on the next two sides, you go back and sew another round on the first two stripes. I let the pictures speak for themselves.

I have done this with all my 48 blocks. And now on to the denim. I have to cut more stripes first. I'll come back tomorrow with that.

Linked up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. That is going to be a beautifully colourful quilt:-)

  2. Jag hänger med! :-) Nu börjar det hända saker och jag blir mer och mer säker på att jag vet vad jag ska ha alla mina ihopsamlade jeans till. Ser fram emot fortsättningen.

  3. Really like your colors! Can't wait to see how it finishes.

  4. I have a pair of blue denim, one black denim and a patterned denim that my girls have given me, now hoping the 4 pairs Helen has Catherine will not fit into so I can have them too to cut up! Bit concerned about one pair it has it has a lot of stretch so will have to be careful I do not pull the strips out of shape, have you any tips for that please?


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